The integration of chemocatalysis and biocatalysis represents an under-exploited area of research that will be central to the future of sustainable synthesis and manufacture.
Vast expertise
The University of Manchester has substantial research strengths in a broad range of catalysis science, from photoredox catalysis to process integration.
The iCAT CDT is a world-class research and training environment which brings together academic leaders and industrial scientists with a shared goal and vision for postgraduate student training: to work together across the disciplines of chemistry and at the interfaces between chemical engineering and manufacturing.
iCAT features world experts in chemocatalysis, biocatalysis, process engineering, and life-cycle analysis who can deliver the multidisciplinary training programme necessary to create the next generation of leaders in a critical UK sector – the chemical industry that takes molecules to products.
This crucial sector needs a highly skilled workforce, and iCAT will meet this challenge by delivering a new breed of catalysis scientist and engineer, versed in both chemocatalysis and biocatalysis, as future leaders of the UK chemical industry.